Web Developer-in-training with Digital Marketing experience
New York City, New York
A seasoned marketing professional with 2 years' experience cultivating brands, marketing & social media strategies in the hospitality marketing industry.
Passionate about using technologies to develop creative and effective solutions for communicating brand values, bringing brands to life, and forming strong customer relationships.Jacqueline graduated from New York University, with a Bachelor Degree in Media, Culture & Communications, and minors in Business Studies, and Web Programming and Applications.
Experience in: Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing Strategies,Website Maintenance, Content Mangement Systems, Influencer Marketing, E-mail Marketing, Copywriting, Content Strategies, Digital Media, Brand Strategy, Integrated Marketing, Market Research, Data Analysis, Consumer Market Research, Websites/ Content Management Systems, Public Relations.
Jacqueline worked in a vareity of mulitnational and local firms from 2013 - 2019. Aspired to professional career in branding and marketing, Jacqueline worked in different positions such as Global Marketing Coordinator, Brand Representative in Retail, Market Researcher, Digital Marketing intern, and Influencer Marketing intern amongst Hospitality and Marketing industries.
Flatiron School | Part-time Software Engineering Program (PRESENT)
NYU Class of 2018 | B.S. in Media, Culture and Communications, Minors: Web Programming & Applications and Business Stuides.
Victoria Shanghai Academy | Class of 2014
Jacqeline earned a commendation from NYU Writing Program, as well as two academic scholarships awards in the International Baccalaureate® program in highschool.